Do this circuit 2 times w/o rest. Took me 24 minutes. Have fun!
Bench Press 20r @135lbs
Push-ups 25reps
Pull-ups 10 reps
Lat Pull 25 reps @100lbs
BB OH TrI Ext--25 reps @ 45lbs
DB Kickback--25 reps @ 25lbs
Preacher Curl--25 reps @ 50lbs
Zottman Curl-- 15 reps @ 25lbs
Wtd Crunch--25reps @ 25lbs
Hang Leg Raise--25 reps
BB Shoulder Press--25 reps @ 45lbs
DB Lateral Raises--25 reps @ 25lbs
Calf Raises--35 reps @ 135lbs
Leg Ext.--25 reps @ 100 lbs
Rev Grip Curls--15 reps @45lbs
Wrist Curls--30reps @45lbs
The Decatur Township Fire Department is located in the southwest corner of Indianapolis, Marion County. Decatur Township is a mixture of rural and urban settings otherwise sometimes known as a ‘bedroom community’ consisting of 33 square miles. Decatur Township has developed over the years to a career department with 69 full-time firefighters and 15 reserve ‘part-time’ personnel. This is DTFD's workout site, ran by the firefighters. We hope you enjoy.
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Jumprope Circuit
Do pushups, pullups, inverted rows and dips, for 1 minutes as many as you can. The rest of the exercises do the amount listed. Jumprope for 100 reps between every 2 exercises. Took me 23 minutes to do on Saturday. Good luck and be safe.
Pushups--1minute 60 reps
BB Curl-- 25 reps @ 45lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
BB Shoulder Press--25 reps @45lbs
Double Crunch--25 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Pullups--1minute--28 reps
Calf Raises--50reps @ 135lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
Tri BB OH Ext.--25 reps @ 45lbs
BB Squat Press-- 25 reps @ 45lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
Inverted Rows--1 minute--45 reps
Hang Leg Raise-- 25 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Bench Press-- 25 reps @ 135lbs
Lat Pulldown--25 reps @ 100 lbs
Jumprope-- 100 reps
Preacher Curl-- 40 reps @ 20lbs
Dips-- 1minute--40 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Pushups--1minute 60 reps
BB Curl-- 25 reps @ 45lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
BB Shoulder Press--25 reps @45lbs
Double Crunch--25 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Pullups--1minute--28 reps
Calf Raises--50reps @ 135lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
Tri BB OH Ext.--25 reps @ 45lbs
BB Squat Press-- 25 reps @ 45lbs
Jumprope--100 reps
Inverted Rows--1 minute--45 reps
Hang Leg Raise-- 25 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Bench Press-- 25 reps @ 135lbs
Lat Pulldown--25 reps @ 100 lbs
Jumprope-- 100 reps
Preacher Curl-- 40 reps @ 20lbs
Dips-- 1minute--40 reps
Jumprope--100 reps
Get Out And Train
We apologize for not having any new posts in awhile, but several of us have been competing in different races. We had 8 members do a 5k in September, 2 members ran a FULL marathon in Chicago in October, and 4 members did a 6 hour adventure race in November. Competing in these races is tough and takes a lot of dedication but are great challenges so we encourage everyone to get on websites such as and to find something right for you. Set some goals and compete!
Afghanistan Sucks Workout (Courtesy of Men's Fitness)
Ran as a circuit timed and as fast as you can do it
Preacher Curls 3 sets x 12 reps
Cable Tricep Extensions 4 sets x 10 reps
Seated dumbbell curls 3 sets x 6 reps superset with dumbbell kickbacks 3 setsx8 reps
Weighted pushups 3 sets x 12 reps
Tricep dips 3 sets x 8 reps then seated dips w/ barbell across lap
Cable Curls 3 sets x 10 reps
Calf Raises 3 sets x 12 reps
Hyperextensions 3 sets x 12 reps
Situps 100 reps
Situps w medicine ball 50 reps
Buterfly Kicks 100 reps
Sumo Squats 25 reps followed by wall sit for 2 min
Preacher Curls 3 sets x 12 reps
Cable Tricep Extensions 4 sets x 10 reps
Seated dumbbell curls 3 sets x 6 reps superset with dumbbell kickbacks 3 setsx8 reps
Weighted pushups 3 sets x 12 reps
Tricep dips 3 sets x 8 reps then seated dips w/ barbell across lap
Cable Curls 3 sets x 10 reps
Calf Raises 3 sets x 12 reps
Hyperextensions 3 sets x 12 reps
Situps 100 reps
Situps w medicine ball 50 reps
Buterfly Kicks 100 reps
Sumo Squats 25 reps followed by wall sit for 2 min
Last Workout to Wed Workout Circuit
Perform as a circuit, completeing one set of each exercise and resting as little as possible inbetween
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Alternating Lunge to Dumbbell Press (25 LBS)
2 - Elevated Pushup
3 - Close Grip Chinup
4 - Burpee to Squat Jump
5 - Barbbell Rollout
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Alternating Lunge to Dumbbell Press (25 LBS)
2 - Elevated Pushup
3 - Close Grip Chinup
4 - Burpee to Squat Jump
5 - Barbbell Rollout
2nd part of Wed Circuit
Perform as a circuit, completeing one set of each exercise and resting as little as possible inbetween
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Inverted Row
2 - Kettle Bell Swings (25 LBS)
3 - Up/Down Plank Pushups
4 - Cross Body Clean and Press (25 LBS)
5 - Step Up to over head press (20 LBS)
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Inverted Row
2 - Kettle Bell Swings (25 LBS)
3 - Up/Down Plank Pushups
4 - Cross Body Clean and Press (25 LBS)
5 - Step Up to over head press (20 LBS)
Wed Circuit
Perform as a circuit, completeing one set of each exercise and resting as little as possible inbetween
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Squat to Dumbbell Press (around 25 lbs)
2 - Plank with dumbell row (around 15 lbs)
3 - T-Pushups
4- Dumbbell reverse chop
5 - Pullup with knee raise
Performs the moves for 40 seconds each
Complete all five exercises, then rest 3 minutes. Repeat until you've done 3 to 5 circuits
1 - Squat to Dumbbell Press (around 25 lbs)
2 - Plank with dumbell row (around 15 lbs)
3 - T-Pushups
4- Dumbbell reverse chop
5 - Pullup with knee raise
5K for Good Cause
We are currently training for a 5K on September 26th. Click HERE to learn more about it. Come out and run with us. Its for a Great Cause!
Ab workout
Do this continuously as fast as you can. You can do 3 sets if u want pretty tough though.
Crunch. 25 rep
Hang leg raise. 20 rep
KB swing 20 rep
Flutter kick 30 sec
Dumbbell sit up 15 reps 15 lbs
Mason twist 30 per side
Double crunch 20 rep
Plank 1 min
Floor wipers 30 per side
Crunch. 25 rep
Hang leg raise. 20 rep
KB swing 20 rep
Flutter kick 30 sec
Dumbbell sit up 15 reps 15 lbs
Mason twist 30 per side
Double crunch 20 rep
Plank 1 min
Floor wipers 30 per side
Fitness Competition Results

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the first Decatur Township Fitness Competition! Here is the rundown and scores from Friday, July 22.
The Beast
Everything must be completed in 60 secs each or penalties occur. -2 for every rep not done and -5 for every lap not completed.
2 Stair laps in between every exercise. This takes 26min to complete
Push ups to Fail
20 Bench Jumps
20 Deadlifts(135lbs)
20 Bench Press(135lbs)
Pull ups to Fail
20 Sit ups with Medicine Ball
20 Squat Press(45lbs)
20 Curls(45lbs)
Dips to Fail
10 Lunges each leg
10 Lawnmowers each arm
40 Mountain Climbers
Inverted Rows to Fail
Gut Check
Complete workout as fast as you can. Try to improve each time you do it
Run 1 mile on treadmill
25 Deadlifts (135lbs)
25 Squat Press (45lbs)
25 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
15 Deadlifts
15 Squat Press
15 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat Press
10 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
Run 1 mile on treadmill
25 Deadlifts (135lbs)
25 Squat Press (45lbs)
25 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
15 Deadlifts
15 Squat Press
15 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat Press
10 Push Ups
Run 2 stair laps
Descending Circuit
Smith Mach. Calf Raises w/ Board 100R @135lbs
Steam Engines 90 Reps
Push-ups 80
Situps 70reps @15#'s
KettleB Swings 60 Reps @ 25lbs
Mountain Climbers 50 reps
Inverted rows 40reps
BB OH Tri Ext 30 reps @ 70lbs
Pullups 30 reps
BB Curls 30reps @ 70lbs
Pike Pushups 30 Reps
Wrist Curls 30 reps @ 70lbs
Lunges 30reps
DB Shrugs 30 reps @ 70lbs
Rest if you need to, but just go from top to bottom and finish!
Do this for time! 19min 52seconds
Steam Engines 90 Reps
Push-ups 80
Situps 70reps @15#'s
KettleB Swings 60 Reps @ 25lbs
Mountain Climbers 50 reps
Inverted rows 40reps
BB OH Tri Ext 30 reps @ 70lbs
Pullups 30 reps
BB Curls 30reps @ 70lbs
Pike Pushups 30 Reps
Wrist Curls 30 reps @ 70lbs
Lunges 30reps
DB Shrugs 30 reps @ 70lbs
Rest if you need to, but just go from top to bottom and finish!
Do this for time! 19min 52seconds
What you can do we can do better
Curls 10/3/70
Tri Rope PD 10/3/110
Run around firehouse approx .15 miles after a set of both exercises
Push-ups 35/3/bodyweight
Sit-ups 20/3/25
Planks for 30 seconds after a set of each exercise
Iso Curls 10/3/40 per arm
Iso PD 10/3/40 per arm
Pull-ups 15/3/BW
Knee-ups/Hanging Leg Raises 15/3/BW
Rev Grip Curls 15/3/45
Close Grip Bench 10/3/135
Dips 15/3/BW
Mason Twist 20/3/25
Hammer Curls 10/3/30
BB OH Ext 20/3/45
Inverted Rows 20/3/BW
DB Side Bends 10/3/50
You will run 2 miles when you are done the workout takes 51 minutes
Tri Rope PD 10/3/110
Run around firehouse approx .15 miles after a set of both exercises
Push-ups 35/3/bodyweight
Sit-ups 20/3/25
Planks for 30 seconds after a set of each exercise
Iso Curls 10/3/40 per arm
Iso PD 10/3/40 per arm
Pull-ups 15/3/BW
Knee-ups/Hanging Leg Raises 15/3/BW
Rev Grip Curls 15/3/45
Close Grip Bench 10/3/135
Dips 15/3/BW
Mason Twist 20/3/25
Hammer Curls 10/3/30
BB OH Ext 20/3/45
Inverted Rows 20/3/BW
DB Side Bends 10/3/50
You will run 2 miles when you are done the workout takes 51 minutes
Self Esteem Killer (74C)
A timed workout with running in between workout sets.
Push ups (50)
110 yard run
Farmers Carry 200ft (75lbs each arm)
110 yard run
160lbs tire flip (45ft)
110 yard run
Pull Ups (12)
110 yard run
Wall Ball (20)
110 yard run
160lbs tire drag with harness(45ft)
110 yard run
Dips (20)
110 yard run
Squat press 45lbs barbell (15)
110 yard run
Pull ups (8)
110 yard run
120lbs Tire pull with rope(45ft)
110 yard run
120lbs tire drag with hands (45)ft
110 yard run
Dips (15)
110 yard run
Lunges with barbell (10 each leg)
110 yard run
Push ups (40)
Run 1/3 of mile for cool down
Push ups (50)
110 yard run
Farmers Carry 200ft (75lbs each arm)
110 yard run
160lbs tire flip (45ft)
110 yard run
Pull Ups (12)
110 yard run
Wall Ball (20)
110 yard run
160lbs tire drag with harness(45ft)
110 yard run
Dips (20)
110 yard run
Squat press 45lbs barbell (15)
110 yard run
Pull ups (8)
110 yard run
120lbs Tire pull with rope(45ft)
110 yard run
120lbs tire drag with hands (45)ft
110 yard run
Dips (15)
110 yard run
Lunges with barbell (10 each leg)
110 yard run
Push ups (40)
Run 1/3 of mile for cool down
Bi, tri, abs (71a)
This is a circuit workout that is straight through with as little breaks as possible. It is broken down in sections and you do each section for three sets. If you need to stop go ahead but not for too long the idea is to keep you heart rate up. You go ahead and pick weight that works for you I'll put what i did.
Section 1. 3 sets of all 4 things
Straight bar curl. 8 reps. 75 lbs
Rope pull down. 8 reps. 150 lbs
Seated crunch. 25 reps. 15 lbs bum bell
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 2 same as bEfore 3 sets
Iso curl. 8 reps. 70 lbs
Iso tri. 8 reps. 70 lbs
Mason twist. 25 each side. 25 lbs
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 3. 3 sets
Reverse curls 8 reps. 65 lbs
Close grip bench. 8 reps. 135 lbs
Knee ups. 20 reps
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 4 3 sets
Hammer curls. 8 reps. 30 lbs
Over head ext 8 reps. 75 lbs
Side extensions. 15 reps per side 70 lbs
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
You should run 2 miles total by the end you can substitute something else instead of running should last around 2 min.
Section 1. 3 sets of all 4 things
Straight bar curl. 8 reps. 75 lbs
Rope pull down. 8 reps. 150 lbs
Seated crunch. 25 reps. 15 lbs bum bell
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 2 same as bEfore 3 sets
Iso curl. 8 reps. 70 lbs
Iso tri. 8 reps. 70 lbs
Mason twist. 25 each side. 25 lbs
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 3. 3 sets
Reverse curls 8 reps. 65 lbs
Close grip bench. 8 reps. 135 lbs
Knee ups. 20 reps
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
Section 4 3 sets
Hammer curls. 8 reps. 30 lbs
Over head ext 8 reps. 75 lbs
Side extensions. 15 reps per side 70 lbs
Cardio. Run 1/6 mile
You should run 2 miles total by the end you can substitute something else instead of running should last around 2 min.
The Gear Workout (74C)
FULL PPE WITH SCBA. Disconnect regulator but wear mask to restrict breathing
For Time
50 push-ups
20 squat-press 65 lbs
20 deadlifts 135 lbs
10 lunges each leg
50' bear crawl
carry hotel pack up two flights of stairs
50' bear crawl
carry hotel pack up two flights of stairs
DTFD RECORD 4min 17sec
For Time
50 push-ups
20 squat-press 65 lbs
20 deadlifts 135 lbs
10 lunges each leg
50' bear crawl
carry hotel pack up two flights of stairs
50' bear crawl
carry hotel pack up two flights of stairs
DTFD RECORD 4min 17sec
Father of the Beast (71A)
1 min for workout and you have 1 min in between each workout to do a stair lap and then a short run and then another stair lap (should take around 50 sec)
Dips Max
Box Jumps 20 reps
Sit Ups 20 Reps
Inverted Rows Max
Reverse Curl 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Side Jumps 20 per side
Tri Extension 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Lunges 10 per leg
Pushups Max
Mason Twist 20 Per side 25 Lbs
Kettle Bell 20 Reps 25 Lbs
Squat Press 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Pull Ups Max
Dips Max
Box Jumps 20 reps
Sit Ups 20 Reps
Inverted Rows Max
Reverse Curl 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Side Jumps 20 per side
Tri Extension 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Lunges 10 per leg
Pushups Max
Mason Twist 20 Per side 25 Lbs
Kettle Bell 20 Reps 25 Lbs
Squat Press 20 Reps 45 Lbs
Pull Ups Max
Need more Abs (71A)
Just like before 1 min for each exercise
Double Crunch 20 reps
Plank 30 Sec
Pushup Max
Flutter Kicks 30 Sec
Curls 45 Lbs 20 Reps
Plank 30 Sec
Pull ups Max
Flutter Kicks 30 sec
Squat Press 45 Lbs 20 Reps
Plank 30 sec
Kettle Bell Swing 10 per side
Flutter Kick 30 Sec
Inv Rows Max
Plank 30 Sec
Barbell Ext 45 lbs 20 reps
Flutter Kick 30 Sec
Dips Max
Double Crunch 20 reps
Plank 30 Sec
Pushup Max
Flutter Kicks 30 Sec
Curls 45 Lbs 20 Reps
Plank 30 Sec
Pull ups Max
Flutter Kicks 30 sec
Squat Press 45 Lbs 20 Reps
Plank 30 sec
Kettle Bell Swing 10 per side
Flutter Kick 30 Sec
Inv Rows Max
Plank 30 Sec
Barbell Ext 45 lbs 20 reps
Flutter Kick 30 Sec
Dips Max
Ab/Shoulder Circuit (71A)
Tough workout today
1 min per workout w/ 30 seconds of planks and then 30 seconds of rest in between each set
Reverse Crunch 30 reps
Pushups Max
Curls 50lbs 20 reps
MasonTwist/15 lbs/ 30 per side
Dips Max
Mid Row 100 lbs 20
Kettle Bell 25 lbs/ 10 per side
Squat Press 50 lbs/ 20
Cuban Press 45 lbs/ 20
Floor Wipers 135lbs/10 per side
1 min per workout w/ 30 seconds of planks and then 30 seconds of rest in between each set
Reverse Crunch 30 reps
Pushups Max
Curls 50lbs 20 reps
MasonTwist/15 lbs/ 30 per side
Dips Max
Mid Row 100 lbs 20
Kettle Bell 25 lbs/ 10 per side
Squat Press 50 lbs/ 20
Cuban Press 45 lbs/ 20
Floor Wipers 135lbs/10 per side
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