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Day 6


Sumo dead lift high pulls (with kettle bell)

Do 21 of each movement and than 18 all the way down to 3


Day 5

10 minute AMRAP
10 kettle bell swings
10 knees to elbow/toes to bars (whatever you have these are done from the pull up bars.)
20 lateral jumps

Day 4

FRAN (Bench Mark Workout)

Thrusters (you can use dumb bells or a barbell depending on what weight you want to use.) 95lbs men 65 women RX’ed (full weight)


Day 3

15 minute AMRAP (as may rounds as possible)

9 push press with dumbbells
12 Box jumps
200 meter run

Using tires as for box jumps

Day 2

EMOM (every minute on the minute)

1st minute 1squat 1burpee remainder of the minute rest
2nd minute 2 squats 2 burpees
3rd minute 3squats 3burpee
Continue adding one rep each round till you run out of time for that particular minute.

So if you finish the 10 squats and 10 burpees and you have no time left you are done. so you got 10 rounds..