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Day 12

The Chief AMRAP 3 minutes 3 cleans 6 push ups 9 Squats 1 minute rest Repeat 5 times count rounds and every rep counts


Day 11

10 minute AMRAP 10 Kettle bell swings 15 squats 20 lunges (10 each leg)

Day 10

5 rounds 1 minute rest between each round Record time at for each round 200 meter run 10 burpees

Day 9

Tabata something 4 minutes each movement 20 work 10 seconds rest count your reps No rest between movements Squats Pull ups Sit ups Pushups

Day 8

7 rounds 7 Dips 50 meter weighted walking jumping hold a 10-15lb plate over head while squatting 50 meter tire flip

Day 7

Cindy 20 AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats The key is to pace yourself keeping the intensity for the whole 20 minutes and not be gassed at the 10 minute mark


10 100 meter sprints for time 60 seconds rest between each one


The Murph

For Time:
1-Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Body Squats
1-Mile Run


Day 6


Sumo dead lift high pulls (with kettle bell)

Do 21 of each movement and than 18 all the way down to 3


Day 5

10 minute AMRAP
10 kettle bell swings
10 knees to elbow/toes to bars (whatever you have these are done from the pull up bars.)
20 lateral jumps

Day 4

FRAN (Bench Mark Workout)

Thrusters (you can use dumb bells or a barbell depending on what weight you want to use.) 95lbs men 65 women RX’ed (full weight)


Day 3

15 minute AMRAP (as may rounds as possible)

9 push press with dumbbells
12 Box jumps
200 meter run

Using tires as for box jumps

Day 2

EMOM (every minute on the minute)

1st minute 1squat 1burpee remainder of the minute rest
2nd minute 2 squats 2 burpees
3rd minute 3squats 3burpee
Continue adding one rep each round till you run out of time for that particular minute.

So if you finish the 10 squats and 10 burpees and you have no time left you are done. so you got 10 rounds..


Day 1

3 Round For time (record time in comments)

20 Squats (with weight or without, I did 135 lbs)
30 Push ups
40 Sit up


For the Next 30 Shifts we are going to post differant Cross Fit exercises. Please do with as you please we will post our own results in the comments sections.

Here is a list of workout for a 30 day period. One thing always warm up by getting your heart rate up, stretches, do mobility work outs before and after. This link has some great mobility WOD’s so if you are sore one day, lookup that particular area of the body and he has some great ways to loosen up soar or stiff muscles.

This workout schedule doesn’t have to be in this order, just ideas of different thing you can do on and off duty. The key to success it variance and continually working each muscle in a different way you by doing different movements, amounts, times and distances.

If you don’t know what something is call me or Google what you are looking for all CrossFit movements are on you tube sponsored by CrossFit INC or on the CrossFit Website.

A few key points
Feet slightly outside of shoulder width, toes pointing out (slightly)
Hips externally rotated (knees tracking toes facing the same direction) keep knees over
ankles not shooting out over your toes
Hip back First then down
Weight in heals
Keeping lumbar curve
Try not to lean forward/ Chest up
The perfect Depth is hip crease below knees
Control the movement do not crash into it by going fast.
Always protect the lumbar curve. Everything we do work the anterior and posterior chain keeping your body tight or locked down makes assure that everything is protected from wiggles or arched backs.
If something doesn’t feel right it not right. Stop the movement.


The Bob Circuit

Perform the exercises as a circuit and repeat for five total rounds. The goal is to complete in as little time as possible.

1. Kipping Pullup -
5 Reps

2. Box Jumps
10 Reps

3. Burpee -
15 Reps

4. Hand-Release Pushup
20 Reps

5. Walking Plank - From the Plank position move one hand at a time into the bottom postion of a pushup. Push yourself up to the top position, and then bend one elbow at a time to return to the plank position.
25 Reps


Spartan workout

This workout is preformed as a circuit. Do each excersice for 40 seconds with a
20 second rest in between. Go through it 3 times.

Kettle bell squat
Mountain climbers
Kettle bell swings
T-push ups
Lunge jumps
Bent over dumb bell row
Dumb bell side lunge
Push up position row
Lunge with weighted twist
1/2 squat shoulder press
This workout came from men's health, I did not create it, nor do I claim to!!